Everything you Need to Know About Heritage Homes in Moncton
134 Church Street is a heritage home in Downtown Moncton.
Perhaps no two words in residential real estate lead to more assumptions, ideas, opinions, “someone I know said”s, and just flat out misinformation than the elusive:
I’ve seen folks squeal with joy at these two words and I’ve seen folks retreat in confusion. But as an avid lover of old homes, I feel that it’s time we start talking more openly about the joys of preserving and caring for an older home - particularly one of historical significance.
One of my dear friends who owns a heritage property in Downtown Moncton once told me that owning a heritage home is akin to acting as a caretaker of this important landmark that has preceded and will long outlive the family’s use of the home - which may be the most beautiful description ever!
So, I’ve decided to clear up misinformation and assumptions and dig into exactly what it means when municipalities bestow heritage designation on a residential home, why it matters to the municipality, why it matters to buyers and sellers, which Moncton homes are on the roster and why owning a Heritage property could be the best investment you ever make.
Why have heritage designations on Moncton properties?
Municipalities like Moncton offer heritage designations to protect cultural landmarks and ensure that our most unique and timeless pieces of Moncton are free from risk of being demolished.
Who oversees Moncton’s heritage program and what do they do?
Heritage programs in most cities are overseen by a committee like Moncton’s Heritage Conservation Board, whose mandate is as follows according to moncton.ca:
The Board will advise Moncton City Council on built heritage matters, research local heritage architecture and promote Moncton’s history through its built heritage. The HCB follows the Heritage Conservation By-law # Z-1116 on behalf of Moncton City Council as well as administering the Heritage Awards and Plaque Program and the Heritage Grants Program.
Did I just say that Moncton has a Heritage Grants Program?
Yes! In fact, the Heritage Grants Program is one of the ways that the City of Moncton helps heritage home owners protect their investment! By offering financing support for various upgrades and repairs, the city is able to ensure that Moncton’s heritage homes retain their architectural value and homeowners are able to make their investment in a heritage property go further.
Moncton’s Heritage Grant Program is regulated by the Heritage Grant Policy .
But I’ve heard that you don’t get to make any changes to a heritage home. Is that true?
No. That’s not true.
Changes to the exterior of a heritage home in Moncton are permitted but require a Municipal Heritage Permit.
These permits are issued for changes related to the following:
decks and outdoor stairs
sheds and garages
windows, doors and siding
exterior painting
roof materials
Moncton’s Heritage Conservation Board follows the national Standards and Guidelines for the Preservation of Historic Places in Canada.
Ok, so which Moncton homes actually carry a heritage designation?
At the time of this post (October 2021), the properties under Moncton’s heritage program are listed in the bylaw here.
If you have any outstanding questions about heritage properties, please shoot me a message at 506-961-0239.
And while you’re here, please have a look at 134 Church Street - a stunning Downtown Moncton heritage home currently available for sale: